Гарри Поттер принял православие

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Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение Cyrax » 17 фев 2011, 12:34

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение I&I » 26 фев 2011, 16:26

Harry Who?
An Islamic Analysis of the Harry Potter Phenomenon
By Um Noah

Magic is an old human practice. It is sometimes defined as deception by showing something to an audience, which is contrary to reality. Magic is listed as the third major sin after Shirk and Murder, according to Adh-Dhahabi in his book 'Al-Kaba'ir' The Major Sins.

In the light of the above definition, Islam considers magic to be an act of blasphemy. Allah says:

They followed what the Shayâtin (devils) gave out (falsely of the magic) in the lifetime of Sulaimân (Solomon). Sulaimân did not disbelieve, but the Shayâtin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Hârût and Mârût, but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us)." And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allâh's Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves, if they but knew. (Qur'an 2:102)

In my quest to get a better understanding of those that read or watch things related to magic, I was quite surprised to find more Christians addressing this issue than Muslims. In fact I couldn't find one article regarding this issue. And with the recent release of the Harry Potter film, I'm even more driven to find a clear answer. Oh, I've heard the argument: "Harry Potter is wonderful, it encourages kids to read!"

Certainly, reading is important. Allah says:

Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists)
Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood).
Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous,
Who has taught (the writing) by the pen.
(Qur'an 96 1-4)

But do you really think that Harry Potter is the kind of reading Allah had in mind?

The Prophet tells us that witchcraft, sorcery, and magic are evil. He (peace be upon him) said, "There are three who will not enter paradise: one who is addicted to wine, one who breaks ties of relationship, and one who believes in magic." (Ahmad)

And Allah's Apostle said, "Avoid the Mubiqat, i.e., shirk and witchcraft." (Bukhari)

Imaginary (or virtual) experiences and well-written fantasies can affect the mind and memories as much, if not more, than actual experiences. Designed to stir feelings and produce strong emotional responses, a well-planned myth with likeable characters can be far more memorable than the less exciting daily reality, especially when reinforced through books, toys and games as well as movies. It is no wonder Harry Potter fans have been counting the days to see the sorcery, magic, potions and spells.

Our children need good, moral characters to identify with. When they have been accustomed to reading and now seeing this fantasy we must ask ourselves as their protectors and educators if these are the types of role models we want for them.

Allah says:

O you who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who disobey not, (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allâh, but do that which they are commanded. (Qur'an 66:6)

Allah reminds us of our short existence in this life and the need to choose good over evil:

The life of this world is but play and pastime, but if you believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism), and fear Allâh, and avoid evil, He will grant you your wages, and will not ask you your wealth. (Qur'an 47:36)

By overexposing our children to the Harry Potter kind of material we run the risk that they may lose their natural aversion for the devious spirits represented by the creatures and symbols in these stories. Caught up in the exciting story, they absorb the suggested values and store the fascinating images in their minds, making the forbidden world of the occult seem more normal.

Fun fantasies and strategic entertainment have a special way of altering values, compromising beliefs and changing behavior in adults as well as in children. This learning process has been named "edutainment" a favored way to educate and entertain at the same time, for example Sesame Street. Its power to influence beliefs and behavior is illustrated by today's marketing firms; which spend billions on entertaining ads that touch emotions, ignore the facts, and yet motivate people to buy the product.

This Harry Potter 'ideology' is a good example. It comes complete with trading cards, computer and other wizardly games, clothes, action figures and cuddly dolls as well as audio cassettes that could keep the child's minds focused on the occult all day and into night. What's next, a Ouiji Board?

Teach your children Allah's Truths and train them to see reality through the teachings of Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him) and not through the world's perspective. To succeed, we must be ever-conscious of their surroundings. Is it possible to shield them from contrary values, I'm sure it's not, however it is possible to offer them clear understandings of these things in light of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Once they have learned to love what Allah loves and hate what Allah hates, and to see life from His Words, they will demonstrate their wisdom by choosing to say "no" to Harry Potter and the like.

All right, so you've finished reading this editorial and you see things differently. All this time you've allowed your kids to read and view material related to magic, what do you do now to stop it?

Every family is different and therefore our approach to this matter will differ. You may need to cut it out completely and sit with your children to explain the situation in detail. We can only be accountable for what we know and our intentional acts. Being a Muslim means always learning. We are always growing and changing our views in order to meet the needs of our Faith at any age.

May Allah guide me and forgive me for anything that was said unintentionally, and in any respect not in accordance with Allah and His teachings. He is The All-Knower, and The Merciful.
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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение I&I » 26 фев 2011, 16:31

The Vatican's newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, has given a warm review to "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,'' praising the film for its “clear line of demarcation between good and evil, making clear that good is right, and that in some cases this involves hard work and sacrifices.”

It must be said that much of the past Christian criticism over the Potter series has come from evangelical Protestants, who have focused on its positive representation of sorcery and witchcraft. But the Catholic Church has produced its share of Potter critics, including not only a Wakefield priest who pulled Potter books from his parish school library, but also the current pope, Benedict XVI, who in 2003 (before he was pope) wrote a supportive letter to a critic of the Potter series, declaring, "It is good that you enlighten us on the Harry Potter matter, for these are subtle, barely perceptible seductions, and precisely because of that they have a profound effect and can corrupt the Christian faith in souls even before it (faith) is able to properly grow."

There has also been plenty of support for the Potter series from Christian writers -- Catholic and Protestant -- who have focused, as the current Vatican review does, on the series's depiction of the battle of good versus evil, and on Harry's clear sense of morality. The Vatican paper itself even ran a pair of dueling analyses of Potter last year, although the critique, saying that the Potter books promote "a grave lie,'' got much of the attention.

The current enthusiastic review in the Vatican newspaper of the latest Potter film may represent a change in attitude toward popular culture -- the paper also gave a surprisingly sympathetic review to "Angels and Demons" earlier this year. Or it might simply reflect an overall change in tone, or even significance, of the newspaper, which was long viewed as a semi-official voice of the church, but which has come under increasing criticism from the Catholic right for its warm coverage of President Obama. The Catholic World News says the review is "continuing an editorial trend that has bewildered many readers and roused many critics.''

The Times of London has a field day with the Vatican rave, running a story with the headline, "Not so immoral after all,'' and listing other "religious conversions" beginning with the church's change in position about whether the earth revolves around the sun.

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение I&I » 26 фев 2011, 16:38

The Dark Dharma of "Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix"
by Shen Shi'an, The Buddhist Channel, July 11, 2007

Dharma-Inspired Movie Review: http://www.harrypotterorderofthephoenix.com

Singapore -- In the publicity blitz of this instalment of the Harry Potter series, it was described to be, once "again", "darker and edgier" - than the previous episode of course... which was also dubbed "darker" than the episode before! Even most of the sets of the movie look literally darker! This is interesting.

With much speculation on the possible impending death of Harry Potter (played by Daniel Radcliffe) by the end of the series, just how much darker can things become? With darker storylines for films these days, probably "demanded" by audiences who are becoming increasingly numb to the "same old" goriness and violence, it is as intriguing as it is disturbing how much darkness the movie industry can create and take.

Just as the child actors of the series are growing up in real life, so does the fictitious Harry Potter and his readers grow up - to face the reality of life, with its dark side too. With the further loss of innocence with the coming of age, there are stronger yet still subtle hints of "sex and violence" in this episode. Of course, they are still mild in comparison to other films meant for adults only. Harry steals a longer kiss, and wand-waving magic is no longer mere conjuring of harmless fireworks - there is actual inflicting of pain. There are even "hints" of the problems of substance abuse and gun control. Yes, the wands are as good as "guns" - with potential to protect or harm, while casted spells are like incendiary "bullets".

Harry is accused of lying about the return of the "Mara-like" dark lord Voldemort (played by Ralph Fiennes), who wishes to build an army to wreck havoc. This reminds us of the Buddhist scriptural "Evil One", Mara - the personification of death and desire. He already owns "ten armies" - namely, sense pleasures, discontent, "hunger and thirst", craving, "sloth and torpor", fear, doubt, "conceit and ingratitude", "gain, praise, honour and undeserved fame", and "self-exaltation and the disparaging of others". Quite a formidable list of spiritual enemies! In a way, the disbelieving teachers and students in denial of Voldemort's return with a vengeance shows that they have been conquered in part by Mara's armies! Seeing through the delusion and the urgency of the situation, Harry forms an "army" to ward off the impending darkness.

The world is such that whistleblowers of warnings are often seen as fools who do not know any better. Under such conditions, despite being the underdog suffering in indignation, the truly compassionate and wise are compelled to rebel for the cause, even if in secret, as in the case of Harry and company. Bodhisattvas in their right mind do rebellion when necessary too! It is also worth noting that many great truths were first seen as heresy or lies. Take the belief in a flat Earth for instance, or the Earth being in the centre of the universe. With the stubbornness of a closed mind and heart, the most cherished "truths" are often one's greatest delusions.

Harry was charged before the school's board for casting a powerful spell, though it was for defence and to save. This is reminiscent of the Buddhist disciplinary rule which forbids monastics to openly display their psychic powers - for there is the danger of drawing unnecessary attention and inflation of the ego, among many other complications. Supernormal powers by themselves also do not mark one's level of spiritual cultivation anyway. Even Mara and Voldemort has such powers! However, the use of psychic abilities to save or to teach under extreme circumstances is another matter.

The greatest magic is nothing without the direction of a well-mastered mind. In this sense, the greatest magic is a fully mastered mind, with which psychic abilities are natural by-products. This is emphasised by the oft-repeated admonishment for Harry to develop sharper concentration. In this sense, "magic" is only limited by one's will. Harry faced the challenge of training his mind to be so strong that Voldermort (or "Mara") has no way of seizing control of it. Voldermort's mind was his strongest weapon, while Harry's mind was his own best defence.

Harry expresses his fears to Sirius (played by Gary Oldman) on his visions of Voldemort - "This connection between me and Voldemort, what if the reason for it is that I’m becoming more like him? I just feel so angry, all the time. And what if after everything I’ve been through, something’s gone wrong inside me? What if I’m becoming bad?" Sirius skilfully replies, "I want you to listen to me very carefully, Harry. You’re not a bad person. You’re a very good person, who bad things have happened to. You understand? Besides, the world isn't split into good people and death eaters. We have all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the power we chose to act on. That’s who we really are." Indeed, we are all connected to Mara as long as we are unenlightened. When we give way to our defilements, we become like him. But greater than our "Mara-nature" is our Buddha-nature - our capacity to let the good side of us win our dark side in each moment.

So will Harry Potter die by the end of the series? Maybe... not. However, as another fantasy writer, Neil Gaiman once wrote in "The Sandman" series, "... the real problem with stories - if you keep them going long enough, they always end in death." Even if Harry survives the series, death is still eventual! Too dark a thought for a "children series"? There is hope in Buddhist thought though. There is a way out - Nirvana. Harry, like all of us, will die - unless he becomes enlightened in time, thereby transcending the cycle of life and death! By the end of the movie, it is still unclear as to the significance of the phoenix in the order, but the phoenix is a symbol of rebirth. Thus, my calculated guess is that Harry will die, but not really die!

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение Slavko » 26 фев 2011, 16:51

Англицка мова?
Даже вчитывацца лень.

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение Шаман » 26 фев 2011, 17:20

What did you write here?
I don't understand you at all.
In Russan please.

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение ФрекенСнорк » 26 фев 2011, 17:22

ашипку сам исправишь?
What did you write here?
I don't understand you at all.
In Russan please.
«Поэтому с обдуманностью веди войну твою» (Прит.24:6).

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение tanturilla » 26 фев 2011, 17:28

ФрекенСнорк писал(а):Шаман
ашипку сам исправишь?
-а я им вчера так наисправляла,что сама в одном простейшем слове аж 2 ашыпки сделала.Так что,-все грамматические ошибки являются авторским стилем изложения материала. :)

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение Шаман » 26 фев 2011, 17:35

Не хи-хи. Не все в Моссадах учились... :wink:
Вы меня понимаете :wink:

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение ФрекенСнорк » 26 фев 2011, 17:41

ладно, стилистические ашипки не будем трогать....
а то вконец загоните от зависти ажно за а-котель-маарави...
«Поэтому с обдуманностью веди войну твою» (Прит.24:6).

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение Шаман » 26 фев 2011, 17:47

Не, я не завистливый. Просто не люблю Гарри П :P

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение ФрекенСнорк » 26 фев 2011, 17:52

а я-то думала, Вы моим университетам завидуете......
«Поэтому с обдуманностью веди войну твою» (Прит.24:6).

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение Шаман » 26 фев 2011, 18:01

Я женщинам не завидую - я их люблю! :oops:

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение ФрекенСнорк » 26 фев 2011, 18:05

Шаман писал(а):ФрекенСнорк
Я женщинам не завидую - я их люблю! :oops:

солдат-солдат! ты баб любишь?
а они тебя?
(после некоторой паузы) и я их!
«Поэтому с обдуманностью веди войну твою» (Прит.24:6).

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение Шаман » 26 фев 2011, 18:10

Милый, ты меня любишь?
- А что же я по-твоему делаю?!

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение tanturilla » 26 фев 2011, 18:23

- ах,мой милый Шармон,умоляю вас,перестаньте так откровенно ухаживать за мной: я ведь замужем!
— Это не имеет значения,Фрекен. Я не ревнив.

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Зарегистрирован: 03 фев 2011, 13:30
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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение Шаман » 26 фев 2011, 19:25

Не Берег Скалистый вечер ложится.
Но ярче огней казино
Глаза моей донны…

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение tanturilla » 26 фев 2011, 19:33

Шаман,у Вас ашыпка,не "донны", а "домны"! Изображение

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Зарегистрирован: 21 май 2010, 21:01
Откуда: Agus fagaimid suid mar ata se

Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение ФрекенСнорк » 26 фев 2011, 19:57

tanturilla писал(а):Шаман,у Вас ашыпка,не "донны", а "домны"! Изображение

Тогда - молча!!!
«Поэтому с обдуманностью веди войну твою» (Прит.24:6).

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Re: Гарри Поттер принял православие

Сообщение Шаман » 26 фев 2011, 19:59

Никаких ашыпок!
Даже в первом посте... :wink:

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